December 19, 2006


My friend, fake name Bertha, and I have nicknames for us. They are kind of weird but who cares. I am potato bug and Bertha is banana. It is really funny.


CrisB said...

Bertha? I dont think banana would be happy with that ;)

just curious, where'd Bertha come from anyway?

MMARIEN said...

I don't know I couldn't think of any names but that one for some reason!!

CrisB said...

lol, makes me glad im just Max!

d.eva818 said...

Hey yeah you could have called her tuff guy thats my nicname for her or joe bob al those work but whatever and please if you want another name for me please let me choose. thanks

CrisB said...

i didn't know you were potato bug though. when did this originate? How's it feel to be named after a little black beetle that curls up into a ball when threatened? (sounds like me! ;) )

Anonymous said...

hey i am a potato bug that is cute and brave and stuff!!!

CrisB said...

Oooh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up.
btw, ALL potato bugs are cute ;)

LRJohnson said...

Hey, do I get a nickname? lol

MMARIEN said...

sure if u want one lrjohnson..... um....... Leviticus there that is ur nickname oh k happy now

CrisB said...

Umm, isn't that that other guy's nickname? The 10th grade one?

MMARIEN said...

well it is his nickname but who cares it is better for this one because in my oppoinion this one is like 999999999999999999999999999999 x better

ScottJFox said...

How about I name myself "Pancake" Ok?

MMARIEN said...

Pancake you are crazy but that is what is cool about you that you are crazy. So yea pancake you rock my socks. Well oh k whatever.

ScottJFox said...

Ah!!!!!!!!!! Now I can't read anything!